One More Reason Why I Love Jews
On the eve of the March for Israel in Washington, the quintessential Jewish question is posed ...
A march for the ages … (or aged?) Tens of thousands of people are expected to attend the Nov. 14 march in D.C. in support of Israel and the freeing of the hostages.
Dear Reader,
From the actual list of March For Israel FAQs, a sampling of which are shown here, I had to smile at the last one below…
(Thanks to a friend in Boston who alerted me to it.)
.Where and when is the March for Israel?
.When and from where will the community buses depart and when will they get back?
.Will there be bathrooms and Wi-Fi on the buses?
.How can synagogues, day schools, and organizations reserve buses and travel together as a group to the March for Israel?
Great stuff, Gary. Am Yisrael Chi!