Schumer has delivered an outstanding speech -- that should have stopped short of where it did. As arguably the most important person under the Capitol dome, he has a responsibility to not project efforts at American intervention in foreign governments. That said, I agree whole heartedly with his nuanced and importantly detailed speech. He could have stopped short by just saying "there are obstacles preventing this at the present time." That would have been clear -- and controversial -- enough. Now, his important words are lost as it can be seen as a personal grudge against Netanyahu. Again, such animosity toward Netanyahu -- with whom Schumer has had many private meetings -- is not unjustified. However, it is extremely undignified as well as counter-productive.

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Imagine the opposite. Imagine a high ranking Israeli government member criticizing in detail American politics and asking for Biden's resignation.

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Mar 18·edited Mar 18

I want to push back on the following quote in a limited sense: "And unlike some younger Americans, I remember how hard it was to achieve that dream. I remember clutching my transistor radio to my ear in James Madison High School during the Six Day War, wondering if Israel would be pushed into the sea."

Many younger Americans including many younger American Jews at least in my part of the country are focused on Ukraine(and I want to emphasize some segments of the organized Jewish community in my area are hyper focused on Ukraine with little change after October 7th) much like you were when you focused on Israel when attending James Madison High School during the Six Day War. Trying to get them to focus on Israel instead or in addition to Ukraine would have been like trying to get you when you were a High School student to pay attention more as well to Vietnam in addition to the Six Day War. I suspect it would not have been all that effective.

I would also recommend reading the following book by Vladislav Davidzon.


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Agree or disapgree Gary? few like to comment..especially if its on page 2..But posting a poll would be engaging ever thought of that?

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Schumer's speech is a highly complex, highly unlikely strategic solution.Bibis post Oct 7 "Plan" made and makes no sense just as his 20 years of letting Gaza become a rocket base never solved the problem. There was never a strategic need to bomb the daylights out of civilians in pursuit of 40k Hamas Guerillas..They in 24 hours were already indistinguishable from their 500,000 to 2 million+wives cousins moms and uncles in civilian clothes.Gazans. 2) The lessons of fighting 2 million Viet cong in Mekong is lost.The civilian and combatant population is one. We never beat the Vietcong..but would have, had we expelled them the way the Romans did to the jews. and The Russians did to 2 million ethnic Germans who lived in Soviet Union prior to WW2.in 1946.2) Gaza is however geographically favorable to a deathless strategy, to remove a very big threat to Israel. Gaza is its own military west front that cannot in any war scenario ever be allowed to split Israel.. with a brother east component of West Bankers. From Ceasar To Alexander to Patton and Macarthur.. its never ever worked. according to West Point generals A two state solution may or may not work...But Gaza and westbank are not contiguous..so consolidating palestianians was and is the only way to assure a state if its even possible.. A siege that cuts off their water food and electric puts enormous pressure on the strips inhabitants ( figthers and their families) to surrender or vacate to where supplies are offered.The bombing deaths lost the Global PR war. Lack of imagination Is the jews nemesis.and lack of resolve..To win the war of 1948 still ives on..in the form of this Gaza Battle that will be another 30 year stalemate.The non resettlement in 1948 and is in 2024..the only solution that works in separating the conflict's enemies. And it need not kill many, if any people. From the River to the Sea..is a non veiled death sentence.An F-16 is a death sentence .An expulsion initiated by a siege is a moving van to a new neighborhood of their coreligionists and a new life with Billions of new aid . This, my vision was the Vision contemplated by Bibi but ruined under kncuckleheaded Bangem on the head Generals.The indecisive Israelis and journalists Like Gary who havent read enough Military conflict resolution books .Death is very unjewish, but moving to a new neighborhood coerced or voluntary, was usually a blessing in Disguise for Jews and countless ethnic wars I followed...and will be for Gazans. Just ask the 1 million Christians of Iraq coerced out of Iraq the last 2 decades.

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At this point, Israeli Jews may as well be from Mars and American Jews from Venus. The first care far more about future survival above all. But so do the majority of American Jews, too. Given the Trump reality, American Jews are, I believe, feeling more threatened by the prospect of Biden losing because of his support for Israel (and other issues) than they fear Israel’s immediate collapse. It’s about prioritizing survival needs.

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