
Amen, Shlomo.

Thanks for your good thought.

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"This week we approach a new challenge presented by the seven-day festival of Sukkot, “z’man simchatenu,” the traditional season of rejoicing, culminating with Simchat Torah, the most joyous day on the Jewish calendar. "

I believe that 'challenge' is one of the most misused words in the language (along with who, instead of whom...). I've heard it used instead of: issue; problem; difficulty; disease/illness; catastrophe; outrage; crisis; and even traffic jam (!). If it means that many things, it doesn't mean anything.

What we have this year is a paradox; how to hold two opposites at the same time. It might be useful if we could time-travel and ask R. Yochanan ben Zakkai & his colleagues how they dealt with the chagim right after the churban...

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Because of your post, I looked up Yochanan ben Zakkai and the meaning of "churban." Thank you.

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חג שמח

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Beautifully said. Because we've had sukkahs for thousands of years, and survived displacement and vulnerability, they are inspiration that we can get through this too and there should be hope.

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