Yes, so agree. By chance, we sat behind Jon and Rachel at a rally in Jerusalem on Day 300. It was so stirring as we all davened Mincha and sang Acheinu. I so felt their pain watching them. I am so glad they had a chance to present their story to the large audience at the DNC and watching on TV. May we soon hear of the release of the hostages.

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i would hope so and certainly echo your prayers however the rest of the convention with its nod to the left wing antisemitic anti zionist wing of the party - whose representatives were given generous airtime aand thereby implicit recognition for their views - was enough to bring me to despair ; the total moral equivalence espoused by everyone from Biden down with their understanding of how the protesters outside can be totally understood for their views was disgusting. - oh sorry - sorry. there was no moral equivalence because no one had the backbone to say that Israel had a right to defend itself and get its hostages back so the only morality seen was in the side of pro Hamas maniacs. guess i cannot focus on nine minutes when four days were so saddening.

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