When it comes to Judaism [and Israel] I am forever hopeful. I don't walk around singing Hatikvah all day long, but I think thatJews and Judaism IS a people built on hope. And on transparency. Although I was upset when I read the initial article about the poor education being offered by yeshiva, I was 'all at once,' a combination of : Surprised/not surprised because I'd read some of it before, combined with sadness, embarrassment, and tragedy. AND YET, I asked myself: WHAT goes on in Catholic schools? Or Protestant schools? Or Lutheran schools? Or Mormon schools? Or Muslim Madrasas? Or even at small, privately funded secular 'private schools?' ALL perfectly up-to-date science labs? Teachers with post gradate degrees? The best up-to-date textbooks? I VERY MUCH DOUBT IT. Who regulates those? Nobody, frankly. ... Just as Israel is the 'canary in the coal mine' about so many things in the world, so is Jewish education. We are so transparent, and that transparency is both a good and bad thing. Right now, slings and arrows and finger pointing. Yeah. So that every one else can quietly go hide behind the trees in their own schools and hope nobody sees those defects.
It may be that those schools don't have the most up-to-date equipment/texts, but (I've heard) they do a decent job educating, as long as the student doesn't have some special need. These yeshivas, on the other hand, are producing graduates who are illiterate in English, don't learn, history, much math, or any science.
When it comes to Judaism [and Israel] I am forever hopeful. I don't walk around singing Hatikvah all day long, but I think thatJews and Judaism IS a people built on hope. And on transparency. Although I was upset when I read the initial article about the poor education being offered by yeshiva, I was 'all at once,' a combination of : Surprised/not surprised because I'd read some of it before, combined with sadness, embarrassment, and tragedy. AND YET, I asked myself: WHAT goes on in Catholic schools? Or Protestant schools? Or Lutheran schools? Or Mormon schools? Or Muslim Madrasas? Or even at small, privately funded secular 'private schools?' ALL perfectly up-to-date science labs? Teachers with post gradate degrees? The best up-to-date textbooks? I VERY MUCH DOUBT IT. Who regulates those? Nobody, frankly. ... Just as Israel is the 'canary in the coal mine' about so many things in the world, so is Jewish education. We are so transparent, and that transparency is both a good and bad thing. Right now, slings and arrows and finger pointing. Yeah. So that every one else can quietly go hide behind the trees in their own schools and hope nobody sees those defects.
It may be that those schools don't have the most up-to-date equipment/texts, but (I've heard) they do a decent job educating, as long as the student doesn't have some special need. These yeshivas, on the other hand, are producing graduates who are illiterate in English, don't learn, history, much math, or any science.