A grateful 'birthday boy' with a brief message
Many happy returns, and many thanks
Till 120 and then some, Marbim Besimcha 🥃
Happy birthday!
Happy to know you and Judy.
Shavuo atov Gary
Shabbat Shalom!
Gary: You have been a friend and mentor of mine for more than 50 years! I appreciate your vision, your writing and your leadership. Happy Birthday! Shabbat shalom. Ari
Shabbat shalom….
Many happy returns, and many thanks
Till 120 and then some, Marbim Besimcha 🥃
Happy birthday!
Happy to know you and Judy.
Shavuo atov Gary
Shabbat Shalom!
Gary: You have been a friend and mentor of mine for more than 50 years! I appreciate your vision, your writing and your leadership. Happy Birthday! Shabbat shalom. Ari
Shabbat shalom….