Netanyahu has rebuffed all entreaties by the US and other allies to bring the war in Gaza to an end and thereby calm down the entire region. He is the one who decided to humiliate the Iranian regime and poke it in the eye last week by taking out a VIP guest at the inauguration celebration for Iran's new president, forcing Iran to "do something" in response. I don't think it's fair to put the onus on Biden to save the situation when Netanyahu is the one who deliberately triggered this crisis. There are ways to deal with Iran that the US administration is working hard on, but to be thrust into the current Armageddon scenario by unilateral actions on the part of the extremist government of Israel is unacceptable. I read in a recent Israeli paper how Netanyahu only in the past month or so re-activated several Iran Working Groups that he had allowed to lapse for years. He has talked incessantly about the Iranian threat but has done nothing to address it in a constructive way. Please put the responsibility where it belongs.

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Guess you’re all in for Armageddon. Best thing Biden does is tell Bibi to put on the brakes. There’s no winner in mutually assured destruction.

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Thank you for this. Unfortunately, the needs to appeal to a broad public will work against the administration's doing all it can during the run-up to the election.

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